Independence Continuation High Home

Raising Student Achievement Through High Expectations
CA Model Continuation High School

About Us

Welcome to Independence High School, a California model continuation high school.  Independence High School was founded on July 1, 1973.  Independence High School strives to maximize student potential so that students can be college-prepared and career-ready with 21st century skills.

News & Announcements

Summer Help

If you need help with fall enrollment, transcripts, other assistance please call (818) 881-7737 or you can stop by the school between 8 and 4:30 pm, ring the bell on the side gate by the parking lot.

Register for a Summer of Learning

Join us from June 26 – July 25 and make the most out of this year’s Summer of Learning. Summer programs include instructional support, expanded learning, specialized programs and virtual enrichment.

Enjoy summer activities throughout Los Angeles

Summer is the perfect time to embrace the great outdoors and take learning beyond the classroom. Let's embark on exciting educational adventures that inspire, educate, and create unforgettable memories!


Feb 18

Parent workshop - cybersecurity

Time: 11 AM – 12 PM

Feb 21

100 day awards

Time: 9 AM – 9:30 AM

Mar 3


Time: 8 AM – 2 PM

Mar 4


Time: 8 AM – 3 PM

EFS drill per 3

Time: 10:24 AM – 10:45 AM
Independence High School Logo

Our Mission

School Mission: Realizing excellence for all students by providing the unique and rigorous education necessary to promote critical thinking and problem solving in order to maximize student potential.