Welcome Parents
Parents, please complete the school survey. Thanks so much.
Parents, please do the School Experience Survey.
then click parent survey
then complete and submit the parent survey
Thanks so much.
LAUSD parent portal - For access to student information
If you haven't registered for the LAUSD parent portal please sign up. If you need assistance please contact the school office at (818) 881-7737.
If you would like to schedule a meeting with your child's teacher please contact the school office at (818) 881-7737.
For LAUSD Family Academy Course Catalogue classes:
Dear Independence HS Family,
This spring, students in grades 3-8 and high school will participate in the computer-based California Assessment of Student Performance and Progress (CAASPP) System. CAASPP assessments include English–language arts/literacy (ELA) and mathematics for students in grades 3-8 and 11, and the California Science Test (CAST) for students in grades 5, 8, 11, and 12. Eligible students with significant cognitive disabilities will take the California Alternate Assessment (CAA) for ELA, math, and science in the designated grades.
CAASPP tests will be administered at our school on the following dates: May 3 - June 4, 2021 .
Our priority is to keep our students and educators safe by following state, county, and local health and safety guidelines associated with the COVID-19 pandemic. For students who return to in-person learning this spring, our school will follow state, county, and district safety protocols to administer the CAASPP tests in-person.
For students who do not return to in-person learning, students will be able to take their assigned CAASPP tests remotely. If testing remotely, the teacher will connect with each child by computer. To make sure that each student receives the most accurate score, we are providing you with the following guidelines:
- You may help your child to set up the technology and log into the testing platform.
- If possible, provide a quiet, private space for your child to take their tests.
- In order to keep the test fair for all students, do not talk about the test questions with anyone.
- In order to keep the questions confidential, do not record or take pictures of test questions or your child taking the test.
- A web camera and microphone will be used to monitor your child while taking the test. The camera is used to observe your child and the surroundings during the test and will not be used to record the session.
- Follow all instructions given by the teacher.
If your child experiences technical difficulties that prevent him/her from testing, contact Laura Ramos at [email protected] for support or for another way to administer the test, for example, in-person test administration—when it can be done safely.
At Independence HS, our goal is for all students to achieve their full potential. The CAASPP test results are one way we can better understand if we are meeting that goal. Thank you for all you do to partner with us in your child’s education. If you have any questions regarding CAASPP testing, please contact Laura Ramos at [email protected].
Thank you for partnering with us in making sure your child is ready to test. With your help, we can ensure that your child is provided with the best opportunity to succeed and show what they know.
Los Angeles Unified School District
Title I Parent Involvement Policy
1. LAUSD will involve parents in the joint development of the LAUSD Program Improvement Plan by inviting parents of Title I students to participate in Title I Parent Study Groups at each Educational Service Center (ESC), in the District’s Title I Focus Group, and in school level activities related to the LAUSD Program Improvement Plan, including budget and program development for all categorical programs. The District will also invite parents to participate in special training to support their understanding of the LAUSD Program Improvement Plan and the Single Plan for Student Achievement (SPSA).
2. LAUSD, through the Parent Community Services Branch (PCSB) and the Parent and Community Engagement (PACE) staff at each ESC, will provide the coordination, technical assistance, and other support necessary to assist Title I schools in planning and implementing effective parent involvement activities to improve student academic achievement and school performance. Staff from each ESC Parent and Community Engagement Unit and from PCSB will develop tools and curriculum, and will provide training to school staff in the following areas:
School Goals for Parent Engagement Special assistance to targeted schools
Capacity building programs Family Engagement Action Teams
School Volunteer Program
3. LAUSD will build the schools’ and parents’ capacity for strong parental involvement by providing the training and tools necessary for schools to operate effective parent engagement programs from pre-school to 12th grade. Through PCSB and ESC PACE staff, the LAUSD will support school capacity building initiatives through the following:
Volunteer Programs, including the Volunteers In Service To America (VISTA) Program
Parent and Family Center Improvement Program
Training on how to effectively achieve the School Goals for Parent Engagement
4. LAUSD will coordinate and integrate the parental involvement strategies described in this policy with parental involvement strategies under other programs, including those managed by other LAUSD departments and or/units:
Multilingual and Multicultural Education Division of Special Education
Early Childhood Education Adult and Career Education Division
Information Technology Division Office of the Chief Operating Officer
Beyond the Bell Student Integration and School Choice
Office of Data and Accountability Federal and State Education Programs
5. LAUSD will conduct, with the involvement of parents, an annual evaluation of the content and effectiveness of the parental involvement policy in improving the academic quality of Title I schools, including identifying barriers to greater parent participation in Title I activities (with particular attention to parents who are economically disadvantaged, are disabled, have limited English proficiency, have limited literacy, or are of any racial or ethnic minority background). LAUSD will use the findings of such evaluation to design strategies for more effective parental involvement and to revise as needed, the District Title I Parent Involvement Policy. The District will utilize ESC Title I Parent Study Groups to examine the effectiveness of the parent engagement strategies and programs on student achievement at Title I schools.
6. LAUSD will involve parents in the activities of Title I schools, will ensure schools communicate effectively with parents, welcome them as partners, and provide opportunities to help them support their children’s learning and achievement. LAUSD will ensure that parents are knowledgeable about student and school performance data, their rights and responsibilities, including their right to choose a school for their children, and how to support their children’s education.
Title I School-Level Parent and Family Engagement Policy
Independence High School
Independence High School has developed a written Title I parent and family engagement policy with input from Title I parents. We invite and solicit our parent community to engage in our School Site Council, Back-to-School events, Town Hall days and several other occasions throughout the year. We communicate with our parents on a one-to-one basis through our student in-take process, teacher conferences, Coffee-with-the-Principal events and communicate with notifications on our website, quarterly newsletters and Blackboard Connect. We have distributed the policy to parents of Title I students through our quarterly newsletter which is sent with their child’s report card. The policy describes the means for carrying out the following Title I parent and family requirements:
Section I: Involvement of Parents in the Title I Program
To involve parents in the Title I program at Independence High School, the following practices have been established:
- The school convenes an annual meeting to inform parents and family members of Title I students about Title I requirements and about the rights of parents to be involved in the Title I program.
Parents are informed through the school newsletters, personal calls home and Blackboard Connect.
- The school offers a flexible number of meetings for Title I parents, such as meetings in the morning or evening. Although our School Site Council meetings are in the afternoons, we have an open-door policy and will communicate with parents at a time convenient for them.
- The school involves parents of Title I students in an organized, ongoing, and timely way, in the planning, review, and improvement of the school’s Title I programs and the Title I parental involvement policy. Independence High School reaches out to all parents and solicits their involvement in all aspects of school improvement. Our School Site Council is the governing body where elected parent representatives can vote on these issues, but all parents are encouraged to attend and actively participate so that their voice is heard at Independence.
- The school provides parents of Title I students with timely information about Title I programs.
Parents received quarterly school newsletters with their child’s progress reports listing upcoming dates. Independence High School also utilizes Blackboard Connect to inform parents, as well as, personal calls home from our Community Representatives. Parents are welcomed to our Parent Center to get additional information.
- The school provides parents of Title I students with an explanation of the curriculum used at the school, the assessments used to measure student progress, and the proficiency levels students are expected to meet. Each year, several Parent Workshops are held to help parents understand this information. Parents are also invited to the school and Parent Center for further explanations on their child’s progress.
- If requested by parents of Title I students, the school provides opportunities for regular meetings that allow the parents to participate in decisions relating to the education of their children. Parents are encouraged to contact the office/Principal with any questions, are invited to make appointments for Principal/teacher conferences, and are encouraged to attend all SSC meetings.
Section II: Shared Responsibilities for High Student Academic Achievement
Independence High School distributes to parents of Title I students a School-Parent Compact. The Compact, which has been jointly developed with parents and approved by them, outlines how parents, the entire school staff, and students will share the responsibility for improved student academic achievement. It describes specific ways the school and families will partner to help children achieve the State’s high academic standards. It addresses the following legally required items, as well as other items suggested by parents of Title I students.
- The school’s responsibility to provide high-quality curriculum and instruction
- The ways parents will be responsible for supporting their children’s learning
- The importance of ongoing communication between parents and teachers through, at a minimum, annual parent-teacher conferences; frequent reports on student progress; access to staff; opportunities for parents to volunteer and participate in their child’s class; and opportunities to observe classroom activities
Building Capacity for Involvement
Independence High School engages Title I parents and family members in meaningful interactions with the school. It supports a partnership among staff, parents, and the community to improve student academic achievement. To help reach these goals, the school has established the following practices:
- The school provides Title I parents with assistance in understanding the State’s academic content standards, assessments, and how to monitor and improve the achievement of their children through Parent Workshops and Parent/Teacher conferences.
- The school provides Title I parents and family members with materials and training to help them work with their children to improve their children's achievement through Parent Workshops and Parent/Teacher conferences, and training at our Parent Center.
- With the assistance of Title I parents, the school educates staff members about the value of parent and family contributions, and in how to work with parents as equal partners.
- The school coordinates and integrates the Title I parent and family engagement program with other programs, and conducts other activities, such as Parent and Family Centers, to encourage and support parents in more fully participating in the education of their children. Parents are invited to our quarterly Town Hall meetings to celebrate their child’s successes. Parents participate in Open Houses and Back-to-School events, along with other events throughout the year.
- The school distributes information related to school and parent programs, meetings, and other activities to Title I parents and family members in a format and language that they understand through school newsletters, personal calls home, the school website and Blackboard Connect in their preferred language.
- The school provides support for parent and family involvement activities requested by Title I parents. At Independence High School, we are sensitive to the needs of our families and seek to meet whatever concern and support them in their endeavor to help them meet their child’s needs.
Independence High School provides opportunities for the participation of all Title I parents, including parents with limited English proficiency, parents with disabilities, and parents of migratory students. Information and school reports are provided in a format and language that parents understand. Parents call the office at 818-881-7737 to request accommodations and assistance.
What is a School-Parent Compact?
A School-Parent Compact for Achievement is an agreement that parents, students and teachers develop together. It explains how parents and teachers will work together to make sure all our students reach or exceed grade-level standards.
Jointly Developed
The parents, students and staff of Independence High School meet yearly to discuss student-learning needs based on student progress towards their “a-g” requirements and ultimately student diplomas. Our School-Parent Compact is revised based on discussions, suggestions and ideas contributed by all stakeholders.
Parent/Guardians are welcome to contribute comments at any time.
Activities to Build Partnerships
Some of the ways parents and teachers communicate all year are:
School Site Council meetings are held the third Thursday of each month – all parents and community members are welcomed and encouraged to participate.
Parent-Teacher Conferences are held each November, but all staff members are available to meet with parents at a mutually acceptable time throughout the year
Parent Workshops are held throughout the year to train/inform parents on various topics such as graduation requirements, PASSport, Schoology, English Learner program, etc.
If you would like to volunteer, participate in, and/or observe a classroom…please contact the school office at 818-881-7737 to speak with one of our school Community Rep or our School Principal, Brian Sida [email protected]
Communication about Student
Independence High School is committed to regular two-way communication with families about their student’s learning. There are many ways parents and teachers communicate all year besides those activities mentioned above, such as keeping an “open door” policy to access on-going communication.
Our Goals for
Student Achievement
District Goals:
1. 100% graduation
2. Proficiency for all
3. 100% attendance
4. Parent & community engagement
5. School safety
School Goals:
100% Graduation – 75% of seniors who attend 80% of the time will graduate on time.
ELA – Proficiency for All – 75 % of our students who score below Below Basic on their lexile reading score will increase to a new reading lexile band.
100% Attendance – Students attendance (90% +) will increase by 15% this year.
Parent & Community Engagement – Parent, Student and Staff participation in the School Experience Survey will increase this year.
School Safety – Independence will share the Integrated Safe School Plan with all stakeholders and carry out monthly safety drills.
Teachers, Parents, Students—Together for Success
In the Classroom
The Staff at Independence is dedicated to work with all students and their families to support students’ success toward completing “a-g” graduation requirements so that they can move towards a brighter future in the career or college pathway. Some of the keyways this is accomplished are:
- Counseling student through weekly small group advisory time
- Monitoring and posting of accumulated weekly class points
- Informing parents of student progress through personal phone calls, emails, quarterly progress reports, quarterly Coffee with the Principal meetings, Blackboard Connect messages, school newsletters and other various means of communication.
At Home
Independence High School parents/guardians will be responsible for supporting their student’s learning by:
- Encouraging their student to arrive on time (8:00AM) and to be in school every day.
- Be informed of their student’s progress towards graduation through frequent connection with Independence by attending Parent Workshops, School Site Council meetings, teacher conferences and other various school events.
- Review and respond to all school communications.
Independence High School students join the staff and parents/guardians toward graduation goals by:
- Attending school every day and on time (8:00 AM).
- Be prepared and focused to learn (getting plenty of rest, eating well, positive attitude, minimize mobile devices).
- Respect my peers, staff, school property and myself.
Our school provides high quality curriculum and instruction in supportive and effective classroom environments to enable students to meet state academic standards. We support our students and work hard to provide a welcoming, safe school environment.
School Site Council
Los Angeles Unified School District
Independence High School
School Site Council
February 18, 2021
2:45 p.m. – zoom
- Welcome/Call to Order SSC Chair
- Flag Salute Parliamentarian
- Approval of agenda/ minutes SSC Chair
IV. Old business SSC Chair
V. Public comment Public
(Recommended 2 min each for 2-3 speakers)
VI. SPSA Approval Principal
VII. Announcements Public
VIII. Adjournment SSC Chair
Next Meeting – TBD
Recorder: Mercene Carlson
Person wishing to address the SSC on a subject to be considered at this meeting, are asked to sign the speaker’s list before the scheduled meeting, stating the subject they wish to address, the organization they represent (if any), and the nature of their testimony. Time is set aside for individuals so desiring to speak on any topic. NOT otherwise on the agenda (please see the detailed agenda for the public session). In any case, the presiding officer reserves the right to impose time limits on presentations as may be necessary to ensure that the agenda is completed
Los Angeles Unified School District
Independence High School
School Site Council
September 25, 2020
2:30 p.m. – Zoom
- Welcome/Call to Order . . . . . . . . . Principal
- Flag Salute . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Principal
- Public comment. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Principal
(Recommended 2 min each for 2-3 speakers)
IV Orientation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Principal
- Purpose and function of council
- Roles and responsibilities of member and officers
- Question and Answer session
V. Election of members . . . . . Principal * ssc/ parent/community members
VI. Election of Officers . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Principal
- Chairperson
- Vice-Chairperson
- Secretary
- parliamentarian
VII. Announcements
VIII. Title I update ............................... D. Murphree
IX. Adjournment
Next Meeting – TBD
Recorder: Mercene Carlson
Person wishing to address the SSC on a subject to be considered at this meeting, are asked to sign the speaker’s list before the scheduled meeting, stating the subject they wish to address, the organization they represent (if any), and the nature of their testimony. Time is set aside for individuals so desiring to speak on any topic. NOT otherwise on the agenda (please see the detailed agenda for the public session). In any case, the presiding officer reserves the right to impose time limits on presentations as may be necessary to ensure that the agenda is completed
Los Angeles Unified School District
Independence High School
School Site Council
October 20, 2020
2:30 p.m. – zoom
- Welcome/Call to Order SSC Chair
- Flag Salute Parliamentarian
- Approval of agenda/ minutes SSC Chair
IV. Old business SSC Chair
V. Public comment Public
(Recommended 2 min each for 2-3 speakers)
VI. Evaluation of 2019-2020 SPSA Principal
VII. School parent compact/ Parent Principal and Family Engagement policy
VIII. Budget discussion Principal
IX. Announcements Public
X. Adjournment SSC Chair
Next Meeting – TBD
Recorder: Mercene Carlson
Person wishing to address the SSC on a subject to be considered at this meeting, are asked to sign the speaker’s list before the scheduled meeting, stating the subject they wish to address, the organization they represent (if any), and the nature of their testimony. Time is set aside for individuals so desiring to speak on any topic. NOT otherwise on the agenda (please see the detailed agenda for the public session). In any case, the presiding officer reserves the right to impose time limits on presentations as may be necessary to ensure that the agenda is completed
Los Angeles Unified School District
Independence High School
School Site Council
August 26, 2021
2:10 p.m. – Zoom
- Welcome/Call to Order . . . . . . . . . Principal
- Flag Salute . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Principal
- Public comment. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Principal
(Recommended 2 min each for 2-3 speakers)
IV Orientation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Principal
- Purpose and function of council
- Roles and responsibilities of member and officers
- Question and Answer session
V. Election of members . . . . . Principal
* ssc/ parent/community members
VI. Election of Officers . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Principal
- Chairperson
- Vice-Chairperson
- Secretary
- parliamentarian
VII. Announcements
VIII. Title I update ............................... Principal
IX. Adjournment
Next Meeting – TBD
Recorder: Mercene Carlson
Person wishing to address the SSC on a subject to be considered at this meeting, are asked to sign the speaker’s list before the scheduled meeting, stating the subject they wish to address, the organization they represent (if any), and the nature of their testimony. Time is set aside for individuals so desiring to speak on any topic. NOT otherwise on the agenda (please see the detailed agenda for the public session). In any case, the presiding officer reserves the right to impose time limits on presentations as may be necessary to ensure that the agenda is completed
Dear Parent/Guardian:
Each year, students in grades three through eight and high school participate in the California Assessment of Student Performance and Progress (CAASPP) Assessment System. Depending on the grade level and instructional program in which your child is enrolled, your child may have to take one or more of the following tests:
- Smarter Balanced Summative Assessments for English language arts (ELA) and mathematics are required in grades 3–8 and 11. Students with the most significant cognitive disabilities take the California Alternate Assessment (CAA) for ELA and Mathematics.
- California Science Test (CAST) is required in grades 5 and 8 and once in grade 11 or grade 12. Students with the most significant cognitive disabilities take the CAA for Science.
- California Spanish Assessment (CSA) is a required test for Spanish-speaking English Learners in grades 3–8 and high school.
Independence HS will start administering CAASPP assessments on March 29 – April 1, 2022 (make up testing will continue until May 27, 2022). To make sure your child feels comfortable taking tests, you can:
- Explain to your child that these tests are tools to help them learn and they should not be anxious or scared.
- Explore the practice tests with your child so they can become familiar with the platform and setup of the tests.
- Remind your child that you and their teacher want them to try their best and are there to help, every step of the way.
In early fall of 2022, the state will make available your child’s score report, which will include the scores for all the tests your child takes this spring. When combined with other measures such as grades, classwork, and teacher observations, these test scores give families and teachers a more complete picture of the student’s learning. You can securely access, download, and print your child’s current and prior year’s test score reports in the Parent Portal.
Parents or guardians have the option of exempting their child(ren) from participating in the CAASPP program. However, if you would like to exempt your child, you must submit your request in writing to our school as soon as possible so we can make alternative arrangements for your child on the date of the test.
To learn more about CAASPP, go to the Starting Smarter web page or review the Parent Guides to Understanding.
At Independence HS, our goal is for all students to achieve their full potential. The CAASPP test results are one way we can better understand if we are meeting that goal. Thank you for all that you do to partner with us in your child’s education. If you have any questions regarding CAASPP testing at our school, please contact Mrs. Ramos at (818) 881-7737 or email at [email protected].
Principal Sida
Los Angeles Unified School District
Independence High School
School Site Council
March 17, 2022
2:10 p.m. – Zoom
I. Welcome/Call to Order................. .SSC Chair
II. Flag Salute ....................................SSC Chair
III. Approval of agenda/ minutes ......SSC Chair
IV. Old business ................................SSC Chair
V. Public comment ...........................Public
(Recommended 2 min each for 2-3 speakers)
VI. SPSA approval ...........................Principal
VII. Announcements ........................Public
VIII. Adjournment ...........................SSC Chair
Next Meeting – TBD
Recorder: Mercene Carlson
Person wishing to address the SSC on a subject to be considered at this meeting, are asked to sign the speaker’s list before the scheduled meeting, stating the subject they wish to address, the organization they represent (if any), and the nature of their testimony. Time is set aside for individuals so desiring to speak on any topic. NOT otherwise on the agenda (please see the detailed agenda for the public session). In any case, the presiding officer reserves the right to impose time limits on presentations as may be necessary to ensure that the agenda is completed.
Los Angeles Unified School District
Independence High School
School Site Council
June 1, 2022
2:10 p.m. – Zoom
I. Welcome/Call to Order................. .SSC Chair
II. Flag Salute ....................................SSC Chair
III. Approval of agenda/ minutes ......SSC Chair
IV. Old business ................................SSC Chair
V. Public comment ...........................Public
(Recommended 2 min each for 2-3 speakers)
VI. Budget adjustment ...........................Principal
VII. Announcements ........................Public
VIII. Adjournment ...........................SSC Chair
Next Meeting – TBD
Recorder: Mercene Carlson
Person wishing to address the SSC on a subject to be considered at this meeting, are asked to sign the speaker’s list before the scheduled meeting, stating the subject they wish to address, the organization they represent (if any), and the nature of their testimony. Time is set aside for individuals so desiring to speak on any topic. NOT otherwise on the agenda (please see the detailed agenda for the public session). In any case, the presiding officer reserves the right to impose time limits on presentations as may be necessary to ensure that the agenda is completed.
Los Angeles Unified School District
Independence High School
School Site Council
September 7, 2022
2:30 p.m. - Room 1
- Welcome/Call to Order . . . . . . . . . Principal
- Flag Salute . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Principal
- Public comment. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Principal
(Recommended 2 min each for 2-3 speakers)
IV Orientation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Principal
- Purpose and function of council
- Roles and responsibilities of member and officers
- Question and Answer session
V. Election of members . . . . . Principal
* ssc/ parent/community members
VI. Election of Officers . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Principal
- Chairperson
- Vice-Chairperson
- Secretary
- parliamentarian
VII. Announcements
VIII. Title I update ............................... Principal
IX. Adjournment
Next Meeting – TBD
Recorder: Mercene Carlson
Person wishing to address the SSC on a subject to be considered at this meeting, are asked to sign the speaker’s list before the scheduled meeting, stating the subject they wish to address, the organization they represent (if any), and the nature of their testimony. Time is set aside for individuals so desiring to speak on any topic. NOT otherwise on the agenda (please see the detailed agenda for the public session). In any case, the presiding officer reserves the right to impose time limits on presentations as may be necessary to ensure that the agenda is completed
Los Angeles Unified School District
Independence High School
School Site Council
October 13, 2022
2:10 p.m. – Room 1
I. Welcome/Call to Order SSC Chair
II. Flag Salute Parliamentarian
III. Approval of agenda/ minutes SSC Chair
IV. Old business SSC Chair
V. Public comment Public
(Recommended 2 min each for 2-3 speakers)
VI. Evaluation of 2021-2022 SPSA Principal
VII. School parent compact/ Parent Principal and Family Engagement policy
VIII. Budget discussion Principal
IX. Announcements Public
X. Adjournment SSC Chair
Next Meeting – TBD
Recorder: Mercene Carlson
Person wishing to address the SSC on a subject to be considered at this meeting, are asked to sign the speaker’s list before the scheduled meeting, stating the subject they wish to address, the organization they represent (if any), and the nature of their testimony. Time is set aside for individuals so desiring to speak on any topic. NOT otherwise on the agenda (please see the detailed agenda for the public session). In any case, the presiding officer reserves the right to impose time limits on presentations as may be necessary to ensure that the agenda is completed
Los Angeles Unified School District
Independence High School
School Site Council
November 3, 2022
2:10 p.m. – Room 1
I. Welcome/Call to Order SSC Chair
II. Flag Salute Parliamentarian
III. Approval of agenda/ minutes SSC Chair
IV. Old business SSC Chair
V. Public comment Public
(Recommended 2 min each for 2-3 speakers)
VI. Budget discussion Principal
VII. Announcements Public
VIII. Adjournment SSC Chair
Next Meeting – TBD
Recorder: Mercene Carlson
Person wishing to address the SSC on a subject to be considered at this meeting, are asked to sign the speaker’s list before the scheduled meeting, stating the subject they wish to address, the organization they represent (if any), and the nature of their testimony. Time is set aside for individuals so desiring to speak on any topic. NOT otherwise on the agenda (please see the detailed agenda for the public session). In any case, the presiding officer reserves the right to impose time limits on presentations as may be necessary to ensure that the agenda is completed
Los Angeles Unified School District
Independence High School
School Site Council
March 9, 2023
2:10 p.m. – Zoom
I. Welcome/Call to Order................. .SSC Chair
II. Flag Salute ....................................SSC Chair
III. Approval of agenda/ minutes ......SSC Chair
IV. Old business ................................SSC Chair
V. Public comment ...........................Public
(Recommended 2 min each for 2-3 speakers)
VI. SPSA approval ...........................Principal
VII. Announcements ........................Public
VIII. Adjournment ...........................SSC Chair
Next Meeting – TBD
Recorder: Mercene Carlson
Person wishing to address the SSC on a subject to be considered at this meeting, are asked to sign the speaker’s list before the scheduled meeting, stating the subject they wish to address, the organization they represent (if any), and the nature of their testimony. Time is set aside for individuals so desiring to speak on any topic. NOT otherwise on the agenda (please see the detailed agenda for the public session). In any case, the presiding officer reserves the right to impose time limits on presentations as may be necessary to ensure that the agenda is completed.
Los Angeles Unified School District
Independence High School
School Site Council
April 25, 2023
2:10 p.m. – Zoom
I. Welcome/Call to Order................. .SSC Chair
II. Flag Salute ....................................SSC Chair
III. Approval of agenda/ minutes ......SSC Chair
IV. Old business ................................SSC Chair
V. Public comment ...........................Public
(Recommended 2 min each for 2-3 speakers)
VI. Budget modification ...........................Principal
VII. Announcements ........................Public
VIII. Adjournment ...........................SSC Chair
Next Meeting – TBD
Recorder: Mercene Carlson
Person wishing to address the SSC on a subject to be considered at this meeting, are asked to sign the speaker’s list before the scheduled meeting, stating the subject they wish to address, the organization they represent (if any), and the nature of their testimony. Time is set aside for individuals so desiring to speak on any topic. NOT otherwise on the agenda (please see the detailed agenda for the public session). In any case, the presiding officer reserves the right to impose time limits on presentations as may be necessary to ensure that the agenda is completed.
Los Angeles Unified School District
Independence High School
School Site Council
September 13, 2023
2:10 p.m. - Room 1
- Welcome/Call to Order . . . . . . . . . Principal
- Flag Salute . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Principal
- Public comment. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Principal
(Recommended 2 min each for 2-3 speakers)
IV Orientation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Principal
- Purpose and function of council
- Roles and responsibilities of member and officers
- Question and Answer session
V. Election of members . . . . . Principal
* ssc/ parent/community members
VI. Election of Officers . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Principal
- Chairperson
- Vice-Chairperson
- Secretary
- Parliamentarian
VII. Announcements
VIII. Title I update ............................... Principal
IX. Adjournment
Next Meeting – TBD
Person wishing to address the SSC on a subject to be considered at this meeting, are asked to sign the speaker’s list before the scheduled meeting, stating the subject they wish to address, the organization they represent (if any), and the nature of their testimony. Time is set aside for individuals so desiring to speak on any topic. NOT otherwise on the agenda (please see the detailed agenda for the public session). In any case, the presiding officer reserves the right to impose time limits on presentations as may be necessary to ensure that the agenda is completed
Independence High School
School Site Council
October 11, 2023
2:10 p.m. – Room 1
I. Welcome/Call to Order SSC Chair
II. Flag Salute Parliamentarian
III. Approval of agenda/ minutes SSC Chair
IV. Old business SSC Chair
V. Public comment Public
(Recommended 2 min each for 2-3 speakers)
VI. Evaluation of 2021-2022 SPSA Principal
VII. School parent compact/ Parent Principal
and Family Engagement policy
VIII. Safe school plan Principal
IX. Budget discussion Principal
X. Announcements Public
XI. Adjournment SSC Chair
Next Meeting – TBD
Recorder: Faith Granitz
Person(s) wishing to address the SSC on a subject to be considered at this meeting, are asked to sign the speaker’s list before the scheduled meeting, stating the subject they wish to address, the organization they represent (if any), and the nature of their testimony. Time is set aside for individuals so desiring to speak on any topic not otherwise on the agenda (please see the detailed agenda for the public session). In any case, the presiding officer reserves the right to impose time limits on presentations as may be necessary to ensure that the agenda is completed
Independence High School
School Site Council
November 8, 2023
2:10 p.m. – Room 1
I. Welcome/Call to Order SSC Chair
II. Flag Salute Parliamentarian
III. Approval of agenda/ minutes SSC Chair
IV. Old business SSC Chair
V. Public comment Public
(Recommended 2 min each for 2-3 speakers)
VI. Proposed SPSA Budget Modification Principal
VII. Announcements Public
VIII. Adjournment SSC Chair
Next Meeting – TBD
Recorder: Faith Granitz
Person(s) wishing to address the SSC on a subject to be considered at this meeting, are asked to sign the speaker’s list before the scheduled meeting, stating the subject they wish to address, the organization they represent (if any), and the nature of their testimony. Time is set aside for individuals so desiring to speak on any topic not otherwise on the agenda (please see the detailed agenda for the public session). In any case, the presiding officer reserves the right to impose time limits on presentations as may be necessary to ensure that the agenda is completed.
Los Angeles Unified School District
Independence High School
School Site Council
March 4, 2024
2:10 p.m. – Zoom
I. Welcome/Call to Order................. .SSC Chair
II. Flag Salute ....................................SSC Chair
III. Approval of agenda/ minutes ......SSC Chair
IV. Old business ................................SSC Chair
V. Public comment ...........................Public
(Recommended 2 min each for 2-3 speakers)
VI. SPSA approval ...........................Principal
VII. Announcements ........................Public
VIII. Adjournment ...........................SSC Chair
Next Meeting – TBD
Recorder: Faith Granitz
Person wishing to address the SSC on a subject to be considered at this meeting, are asked to sign the speaker’s list before the scheduled meeting, stating the subject they wish to address, the organization they represent (if any), and the nature of their testimony. Time is set aside for individuals so desiring to speak on any topic. NOT otherwise on the agenda (please see the detailed agenda for the public session). In any case, the presiding officer reserves the right to impose time limits on presentations as may be necessary to ensure that the agenda is completed.
Los Angeles Unified School District
Independence High School
School Site Council
September 25, 2024
2:10 p.m. - Room 1
- Welcome/Call to Order . . . . . . . . . Principal
- Flag Salute . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Principal
- Public comment. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Principal
(Recommended 2 min each for 2-3 speakers)
IV Orientation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Principal
- Purpose and function of council
- Roles and responsibilities of member and officers
- Question and Answer session
V. Election of members . . . . . Principal
* ssc/ parent/community members
VI. Election of Officers . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Principal
- Chairperson
- Vice-Chairperson
- Secretary
- Parliamentarian
VII. Announcements
VIII. Title I update ............................... Principal
IX. Adjournment
Next Meeting – TBD
Person wishing to address the SSC on a subject to be considered at this meeting, are asked to sign the speaker’s list before the scheduled meeting, stating the subject they wish to address, the organization they represent (if any), and the nature of their testimony. Time is set aside for individuals so desiring to speak on any topic. NOT otherwise on the agenda (please see the detailed agenda for the public session). In any case, the presiding officer reserves the right to impose time limits on presentations as may be necessary to ensure that the agenda is completed
Independence High School
School Site Council
October 23, 2024
2:10 p.m. – Room 1
I. Welcome/Call to Order SSC Chair
II. Flag Salute Parliamentarian
III. Approval of agenda/ minutes SSC Chair
IV. Old business SSC Chair
V. Public comment Public
(Recommended 2 min each for 2-3 speakers)
VI. Evaluation of 2024-2025 SPSA Principal
VII. School parent compact/ Parent Principal
and Family Engagement policy
VIII. Safe school plan Principal
IX. Budget discussion Principal
X. Announcements Public
XI. Adjournment SSC Chair
Next Meeting – TBD
Recorder: Faith Granitz
Person(s) wishing to address the SSC on a subject to be considered at this meeting, are asked to sign the speaker’s list before the scheduled meeting, stating the subject they wish to address, the organization they represent (if any), and the nature of their testimony. Time is set aside for individuals so desiring to speak on any topic not otherwise on the agenda (please see the detailed agenda for the public session). In any case, the presiding officer reserves the right to impose time limits on presentations as may be necessary to ensure that the agenda is completed
Independence High School
School Site Council
January 17, 2024
2:10 p.m. – Room 1
I. Welcome/Call to Order SSC Chair
II. Flag Salute Parliamentarian
III. Approval of agenda/ minutes SSC Chair
IV. Old business SSC Chair
V. Public comment Public
(Recommended 2 min each for 2-3 speakers)
VI. Proposed SPSA Budget Modification Principal
VII. Announcements Public
VIII. Adjournment SSC Chair
Next Meeting – TBD
Recorder: Faith Granitz
Person(s) wishing to address the SSC on a subject to be considered at this meeting, are asked to sign the speaker’s list before the scheduled meeting, stating the subject they wish to address, the organization they represent (if any), and the nature of their testimony. Time is set aside for individuals so desiring to speak on any topic not otherwise on the agenda (please see the detailed agenda for the public session). In any case, the presiding officer reserves the right to impose time limits on presentations as may be necessary to ensure that the agenda is completed